Is this community free?
Absolutely! We are a volunteer run, free community. We evolve based on feedback from the community. Feel free to give us a shout if there’s something new you’d like to see.
We'd love to have you join our community. Sign up to receive the newsletter to stay up to date with our upcoming events. Once signed up you'll also get an invite to our Slack channel if you'd like to get more involved with other no-code developpers.
We organize online events every week, as well as in person events within Canada. Lots of opportunities to look out for. You'll get all those updates and more in our newsletter upon joining.
By signing up for this community, you agree to our code of conduct. Thank you! 🙂 🇨🇦
If your answer isn't here, shoot us an email or message us on Twitter. We are still fine tuning our community and appreciate your input.
Keep up to date with the latest community events and general updates.